
Massage Research

RMT Massage Therapy: Long Treatment Outcomes

By | Massage Research, Swedish Massage Therapy

Longer Massage Therapy Treatments As a part of a series on lengths of massage therapy treatments, we have analyzed longer 60-minute massage therapy treatments to compare the results. We have many Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) who excel at manual therapy to reduce pain, improve movement, relieve muscle tension, and more. This RMT analysis was done in order to contrast the…

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Study Shows Registered Massage Therapy is Cost-Effective – Back Pain Vancouver

By | Blog, Massage Research

Back Pain Vancouver Back pain which prevents you from enjoying a favorite activity. Aches in your joints which feel like an over-tightened rubber band, ready to snap. So many suffer from these aches and pains, trying unsuccessfully to ignore them. Too many people never visit a medical professional for treatment. After all, who wants to spend time and money chasing…

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Massage Therapy and Cancer – Part 1

By | Massage Research, Blog, Cancer, Chronic Pain

This blog will explore what Massage Therapy can and cannot do for individuals with cancer. It will explore the symptomatic relief supported by a large body of research.   Massage Therapy does not treat cancer   “There is no scientific evidence that massage can treat cancer. However, massage is commonly used to help people feel better and to reduce some…

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Orthopeadic Manual Massage Therapy

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog

Orthopeadic Manual Massage Therapy (OMMT) utilizes manipulations, mobilizations, and massage to specifically address musculoskeletal pain and dysfunctions.   OMMT involves the assessment and treatment of joints, muscles, connective tissue, nerves, and other soft tissues. The shorthand term “therapeutic massage” is often used to designate this style of treatment that RMTs are educated to perform. Therapeutic treatments differ greatly from general…

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Articular Strain Technique

By | Massage Research, Blog

Articular Strain Technique (also known as Ligamentous Articular Strain Technique or L.A.S.T.) attempts to correct for improper joint positioning at rest, or with movement by manually manipulating the joint capsule and associated tissues.   These imbalances can occur over time – from injury, or due to other health factors. They result in improper joint positioning within the capsule; this affects…

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The Bowen Massage Therapy Technique

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog

According to Hansen and Taylor-Piliae (2011), Bowen Massage Therapy is a non-invasive technique using specific series of gentle hand movements directly on the skin to stimulate nerve pathways.   The movement is intended to gently stretch the skin, muscle, and fascia in the affected area. This stretch stimulates nerve pathways and attempts to stimulate healing pathways through realignment of microfibers…

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Craniosacral Therapy

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog, Headache Pain, Stress Related Pain, Neurological Pain

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was originally developed by John E. Upledger in the 1970s in Florida. It utilizes a gentle, hands-on approach to release deep tensions in the body to decrease pain and dysfunction, while improving overall health and performance.   Specific dysfunctions that are proposed to be positively affected by CST include: migraines, headaches, chronic back and neck pain, stress-related…

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Active and Passive Assisted Stretching

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog

Stretching involves lengthening of tissues through movement of a joint through its whole range of motion.   Active and passive descriptions denote whether the patient actively contracts muscles to produce or help with the movement, or passively lets the therapist provide all the force for the movement.   How does it work?   The therapist will stabilize one side of…

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Male or Female Therapist… Does Gender Matter?

By | Blog, Massage Research

Addressing Massage Therapist Gender Concerns   Here at PainPRO many clients request a female therapist over a male.   Many individuals are open to either gender, but still prefer female therapists. We thought that we should take the time to address possible concerns that may be leading to this desire. All Therapists at PainPRO are professionally trained, and we want…

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