
Strength Training

Strength and Conditioning group photo with scotty

Strength and Conditioning with Scotty Butcher

By | Food for thought, PainPRO News, Blog, Functional Fitness, Strength Training

The last weekend of February painPRO had the privilege of hosting a Strength and Conditioning course lead by Scotty Butcher. Scotty is a physiotherapist and guru in the strength and rehabilitation world, and he did not disappoint. It was so inspiring to see a room mixed with RMTS, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Kinesiologists and other practitioners coming together, committed to developing exercise…

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Using a kettlebell at the gym

How Hard Am I Working

By | Blog, PainPRO Sports, Strength Training

How Hard Am I Working? We all know the benefits of cardio exercise: better cardio-respiratory health, improved energy endurance, toning muscles,  and cutting fat. So, how hard should I be working? Thankfully, exercise intensity can be evaluated pretty easily. Talk Test Probably the easiest way to evaluate training intensity, the Talk Test simply looks at how much you can talk…

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