Monthly Archives

February 2015

Craniosacral Therapy

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog, Headache Pain, Stress Related Pain, Neurological Pain

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was originally developed by John E. Upledger in the 1970s in Florida. It utilizes a gentle, hands-on approach to release deep tensions in the body to decrease pain and dysfunction, while improving overall health and performance.   Specific dysfunctions that are proposed to be positively affected by CST include: migraines, headaches, chronic back and neck pain, stress-related…

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Active and Passive Assisted Stretching

By | Massage Research, Pain Info, Blog

Stretching involves lengthening of tissues through movement of a joint through its whole range of motion.   Active and passive descriptions denote whether the patient actively contracts muscles to produce or help with the movement, or passively lets the therapist provide all the force for the movement.   How does it work?   The therapist will stabilize one side of…

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And the Winner of Free Massage Therapy for a Year is…

By | Blog

…Reuben Jones!! Congratulations, Reuben, on winning our Free Massage Therapy for a Year contest. He’s lovingly decided to share half the winnings with his wife! Thanks to everybody who participated! Don’t worry if you didn’t win this round… just keep an eye out on our Facebook and Twitter feeds for more draws and chances to win a free massage with…

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