Monthly Archives

March 2013

Prevent Sports Injury with Sport Massage Therapy

By | Blog, Pain Info

Prevent Sports Injury with Sport Massage Therapy Sports Massage Therapy in Vancouver just got better. For those involved with athletics, the associated risk of injury is so significant that an entire branch of health and social services, sports medicine, exists to accommodate it. Even with preventive warm-up exercises, a level of danger still exists. Sports injuries are unfortunately common, and while…

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Joint Mobilizations…Not Just Cirque du Soleil

By | Blog, Pain Info

Joint Mobilizations…Not Just Cirque du Soleil Written by Arny Warkentin Joint mobilizations are one of many tools massage therapists are trained to use to restore full, pain free range of motion. A mobilization is defined as the “passive, skilled manual therapy techniques applied to joints and related soft tissues at varying speeds and amplitudes using physiological or accessory motions for…

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