As you age, it is common to lose some of the mobility and flexibility you enjoyed in younger years. For some older adults, aches and pains can hinder their quality of life and even cause accidents such as trips and falls. While it’s important to have regular visits with a trusted doctor, physiotherapy can also do a lot to…
Many student athletes only consider treatment after they have been injured, but the truth is that regular work with a physical therapist before and during the season can actually help you become a better player and improve your overall performance. Below are a few ways our practitioners can prepare you to go back to your sports teams when school…
Every year, the Vancouver Courier asks its readers to vote for the best services and products in the Vancouver area. Being nominated as a city favourite is a high honor, and PainPRO is thrilled to announce that Vancouver residents have named the clinic as their top pick for physiotherapy services. Recognition as the community’s favourite physiotherapists is something that…
To contrast and compare our ICBC Demographic statistics with other locations, we conducted an analysis of 182 patients with ICBC claims at our painPRO City Square location within the full calendar year of 2018. Our City Square location offers all therapeutic disciplines for motor vehicle accident related treatment, including registered massage therapists (RMTs), physiotherapists, chiropractors, and kinesiologists. The…
Injury Analysis Surrey Memorial/Coal Harbour Comparison Dataset was manually extracted from the practitioner charts for the most recent 200 treatment visits at painPRO Surrey Memorial and painPRO Coal Harbour for all disciplines before December 1, 2017. Coal Harbour Surrey Memorial Treatment Type #1 Area of Concern Treatment Type #1 Area of Concern Chiropractic Cervical 41.4% Chiropractic Lumbar 45.0%…
Congratulations! You’ve committed to making fitness a regular part of your life. But did you know that a kinesiologist can play a vital role in your workout routine, even if you’re not injured? This is because they are specially trained and educated in exactly how exercise affects our bodies. More than that, a kinesiologist can help lay out a…
To contrast and compare our previous post on ICBC demographics for painPRO Coal Harbour, we conducted an analysis of 375 patients with ICBC claims at our painPRO Surrey Memorial location within the full calendar year of 2018. Our Surrey Memorial location offers the same types of treatment modalities to our patients, including Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs), physiotherapists, chiropractors, and…
Shockwave therapy is the utilization of energy pulses through a machine and gun tool onto muscle bands. This type of treatment requires training through a course or certification with Shockwave Canada, and is offered by both our Physiotherapists and Chiropractors in painPRO Clinics. Shockwave therapy breaks down adhesions, calcifications, and tight bands on musculature, while increasing blood flow and allowing…
When you’re getting in shape, it’s common to be focussed on fitness training and nutrition. However, the manner in which you treat your body between workouts is just as important when it comes to helping you achieve your fitness goals. Visiting a chiropractor in Vancouver can be a wonderful compliment to your fitness regimen this spring. Here are…
Did you know that sitting at a desk all day can be just as dangerous to your health as too much strenuous labor? While the effects may be different, the fact is that the human body was not designed to be stationary for long periods any more than it was meant to endure long hours of grueling physical work. …