Can Massage Therapy Help Acute Injuries: By: Arny Warkentin RMT Why massage can help with acute injuries in the acute phase? People often have the preconceived notion that massage therapy should commence after healing as occurred. People assume if an area can’t be worked on directly than there is nothing a massage therapist can do. The risk of further injury…
Prevent Sports Injury with Sport Massage Therapy Sports Massage Therapy in Vancouver just got better. For those involved with athletics, the associated risk of injury is so significant that an entire branch of health and social services, sports medicine, exists to accommodate it. Even with preventive warm-up exercises, a level of danger still exists. Sports injuries are unfortunately common, and while…
Joint Mobilizations…Not Just Cirque du Soleil Written by Arny Warkentin Joint mobilizations are one of many tools massage therapists are trained to use to restore full, pain free range of motion. A mobilization is defined as the “passive, skilled manual therapy techniques applied to joints and related soft tissues at varying speeds and amplitudes using physiological or accessory motions for…
Written By: Arny Warkentin RMT Leg Pain? Must Be Shin Splints! Most people at some point or another heard the term shin splints. It is an incredibly common diagnosis for lower leg pain caused by overuse. Often the cure is to cut back on the activity which causes the pain and wait for it to go away. For some people…
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome Considering just how often we use how hands (especially our dominant hand) to write, type, or perform every-day activities, it is not surprising that carpal tunnel syndrome is so prevalent. Lets begin by defining what exactly CTS is: “Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition that results from the compression of the median nerve as it passes through…
The majority of people will experience severe neck pain at some point in their lives. Many of us are hunched over our desks and computers for hours on end. Others simply store life’s daily stress in the area of their neck and shoulders. For some, the condition becomes a crippling pain, affecting every aspect of their day-to-day life. There is…
Runners Unite…Lactic Acid Debunked Ah yes the running season is in full swing and we are now seeing the rush of post event athletes needing to recover fast so they can get to the next scheduled endorphine release. The most common misconception with many runners is that the post event massage session is designed to flush the remaining lactic acid from…
TMJ Dysfunction…More than an Inconvenience TMJ is the short form for Temporal Mandibular Joint. To find this joint merely place your index finger from each hand just in front of your ears. Now open and close your mouth and you’ll feel the joint go through its motion underneath your fingers. Now for most of you the joint will move smoothly…
The Consequences of Stress According to many experts, stress is responsible for at least 80% to 90% of all diseases. The two types of stress are mental and physical stress. Examples of physical stress include accidents, infections and daily activities such has hunching over a computer or sitting for hours at your PlayStation. Mental stress adds to your everday stress…