This blog will explore what Massage Therapy can and cannot do for individuals with cancer. It will explore the symptomatic relief supported by a large body of research. Massage Therapy does not treat cancer “There is no scientific evidence that massage can treat cancer. However, massage is commonly used to help people feel better and to reduce some…
painPRO Clinics would like to announce a cartoon animation series ‘The Adventures of The painPRO!’ Who is ‘The Painpro’ you ask? Well, ‘The Painpro’ represents all of our patients and their adventures with pain! Season 1 starts April 30th 2015 please ‘Like’ our Facebook Page so you don’t miss out!
Therapeutic exercise, also known as exercise therapy, is a broad term to define any physical activity used to reach specific health goals. This can range from improving basic functions (or decreasing pain) to reaching athletic goals. For example: An older individual may perform exercises to improve balance and make it easier to get up from a chair. The…