
Study Archives - painPRO Clinics

Study Shows Registered Massage Therapy is Cost-Effective – Back Pain Vancouver

By | Blog, Massage Research

Back Pain Vancouver Back pain which prevents you from enjoying a favorite activity. Aches in your joints which feel like an over-tightened rubber band, ready to snap. So many suffer from these aches and pains, trying unsuccessfully to ignore them. Too many people never visit a medical professional for treatment. After all, who wants to spend time and money chasing…

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Vancouver RMT | Effects on Night Shift Employees – STUDY

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Vancouver RMT | Study Focuses Massage Therapy Effects on Night Shift Employees   The Registered Massage Therapists’ Association of British Columbia (RMTBC) has funded a research study that will be focusing on the mental and physical effects of massage therapy on people who work night shifts. Research would be a positive step in helping workers seek a Vancouver RMT (Registered…

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