Burnaby MT Cervical Chief Complaints Analysis

By March 12, 2019Pain Info


Cervical Areas of Concern

painPRO’s Burnaby Clinic has expanded into one of the Metrotown towers! We understand that neck (cervical) areas of concern have been one of our highest chief complaints in the past while. This analysis is based off of painPRO Burnaby’s practitioners in March 2018 for cervical chief complaints.


Different Disciplines and Treatments

RMTs at our Burnaby clinic deal with the majority of neck injuries (around 81.2% of treatments in the month), followed by physiotherapists and chiropractors. With regards to treatment techniques, RMTs had a large percentage of Swedish and kneading styles, along with trigger point therapy to treat neck injuries. Physiotherapists used mainly joint mobilizations, which focuses on getting joints to move better if they’re restricted. Chiropractors used a mixture of active release techniques to release muscle tension, along with spinal manipulations to increase mobility in the neck. As these practitioners differ in treatment styles, they all have effective techniques in treating neck injuries, as the total reported improvement rate in March 2018 appointments was 73.1%.


ICBC and Motor Vehicle Accidents

We see a clear relationship between neck injuries and motor vehicle accidents, as often whiplash occurs and damages the muscles and joints around the neck. Our Metrotown branch recorded nearly 50% ICBC appointments in March 2018 when looking at patients with neck injuries. If you’re dealing with any neck pain after a motor vehicle accident, be sure to see a practitioner as they can help to the best of their ability. Our partner support staff will also look at the best options for billings with regards to ICBC, in order to accommodate our patients with the most efficient way to obtain treatment.


For more information on painPRO Burnaby which expanded into the Metrotown Tower, take a look at https://painproclinics.com/locations/burnaby-metrotown/


For more specific information on types of conditions including neck related injuries, take a look at https://painproclinics.com/conditions-treated/







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