5 Creative Ways to Exercise Over the Holidays

By December 16, 2021Blog

A change of routine is to be expected during the holidays, and that can mean disruptions to your workout schedule. Travel, house guests, or days packed with social events can eat up time for your normal workouts. You can overcome this problem if you keep an open mind about exercise. You can still find ways to exercise over the holidays no matter how busy you are. 


Rear view of fashionable female enjoying christmas spirit in front of house with beautiful holiday decoration.


1. Put on leg or wrist weights while doing housework

Cleaning your house when guests are arriving soon can become a workout. Even 1-pound weights strapped to your ankles or wrists will push your body harder than normal while vacuuming, mopping, wiping, or dusting. By maintaining your muscle mass, you reduce your chances of getting injured and needing physiotherapy in Burnaby.


2. Take the stairs

Many public buildings, apartments, hotels, or workplaces have multiple levels. A good workout awaits you on the stairs. Skipping the elevator for the stairs, even if only going up one level, gets your heart pumping and exercises your legs.


3. Dancing

Holidays are supposed to be festive, and dancing is the original good-time workout. At home, put on your favourite holiday music and start dancing. Social settings can be perfect for dancing too. Instead of sitting around, set up a dance area and invite your guests to dance. You can research dances traditional to your culture or try dances from any culture. 


4. Organize a holiday light walking tour

Many people work hard to set up stunning holiday light displays. Instead of viewing them from the seat of a car, go on a walking tour with your friends or relatives who want to join in. Walking is an exercise most people can participate in, even when in treatment for Surrey physio. For safety, you should wear reflective coats or vests when walking dark streets.


5. Walk while you shop

Online shopping is convenient but can be very couch oriented. As you get closer to the holidays, shopping in real life gets you on your feet. You can wander around the Vancouver Holiday Market multiple times, enjoying music, activities and shopping. Aside from outdoor markets, any stores and shopping centres provide opportunities to get some exercise while you run errands. Take a couple extra laps around large stores to increase your steps for that day.


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