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The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Vancouver Students: Improving Focus and Well-Being for Parents:
Our own Dr. Jarrod Jonson share’s with us The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Vancouver Students: Improving Focus and Well-Being. Life for students in Vancouver has changed considerably since I was in school. Gone are the days of pencil, paper, and heavy textbooks. Today, most students spend their time in front of a screen. Even when schoolwork is done, staying connected to friends, and finding some entertainment, usually involves a tablet or a phone. With all of this time spent on devices, students find themselves in our clinic with neck pain, mid back soreness, and headaches; and it’s hard for them to pay attention in school when they’re in pain!
So why do kids hurt? The culprit is usually posture. Most students with pain present to our clinic with a problem called Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS). That may sound scary, but it’s a simple diagnosis of the force of gravity winning over muscle strength. Weakness in the upper back and shoulders, accompanied by tightness in muscles of the chest and the base of the skull, result in a hunched posture that makes students appear shorter than they actually are.
Usually, UCS is identified by parents at the dinner table. If you’re constantly suggesting that a student in your life “sit up straight!” and “quit slouching!”, it may be time for a chiropractic visit. Your student may even recognize that they can’t maintain good posture, because it tires them out. This is a sign of a lack of endurance in the muscles that are required to stay upright. Tired, sore kids have a reduced ability to focus in school, and may underperform compared to their peers. The chiropractors at painPRO can work on the problematic muscles, and teach your student easy exercises to correct their posture.
Some students with long-term postural problems will develop an irritation of the joints of the mid back. These kids may have pain that presents as a burning sensation in between their shoulder blades. The affected structure in this instance is called a facet joint. It is a small connection between the vertebrae of the spine that can feel stuck and uncomfortable. Chiropractic care for this condition involves adjustment of the offending joint, helping to improve motion in the mid back and keep students tall in class.
The last hallmark of UCS is anterior head carriage. This means that a student will appear to be pushing their forehead forward, almost as if they’re being sucked into their computer screen. When this poor head position occurs, the weight of their skull from the perspective of its supporting musculature is drastically increased, leading to overloading of the tendons and joints of the neck. Over time, this problem can produce headaches and neck pain that make it difficult for students to focus on their studies. The solution in this instance is to train the muscles behind their windpipe to keep their head centered overtop of their shoulders. Our painPRO chiropractors can help your student achieve this optimal posture.
Being a student is hard work. Online learning in front of a computer requires attention and focus for hours on end. Don’t let pain and poor posture affect your student’s ability to succeed in Vancouver. Find a chiropractor to help out at!
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Vancouver Students: Improving Focus and Well-Being for Students:
Life for students in Vancouver involves a ton of screen time. Even when schoolwork is done, staying connected to friends, and finding some entertainment, usually involves a tablet or a phone. With all of this time spent on devices, students find themselves in our clinic with neck pain, mid back soreness, and headaches; and it’s hard for you to pay attention in school when you’re in pain!
So why do you hurt when you’re in school? The culprit is usually posture. Most students with pain present to our clinic with a problem called Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS). That may sound scary, but it’s a simple diagnosis of the force of gravity winning over muscle strength. Weakness in the upper back and shoulders, accompanied by tightness in muscles of the chest and the base of the skull, result in a hunched posture that makes students appear shorter than they actually are.
Usually, UCS is identified by students in photos. If you’re constantly trying to stand up straight before someone takes your picture, it may be time for a chiropractic visit. You may even recognize that you can’t maintain good posture, because it tires you out. This is a sign of a lack of endurance in the muscles that are required to stay upright. Tired, sore students have a reduced ability to focus in school, and it may be impacting your grades. The chiropractors at painPRO can work on the problematic muscles, and teach you easy exercises to correct your posture.
Some students with long-term postural problems will develop an irritation of the joints of the mid back. In this case, you may have pain that presents as a burning sensation in between your shoulder blades. The affected structure in this instance is called a facet joint. It is a small connection between the vertebrae of the spine that can feel stuck and uncomfortable. Chiropractic care for this condition involves adjustment of the offending joint, helping to improve motion in the mid back and keep you tall in class.
The last hallmark of UCS is anterior head carriage. This means that you will appear to be pushing your forehead forward, almost as if you’re being sucked into your computer screen. When this poor head position occurs, the weight of your skull from the perspective of its supporting musculature is drastically increased, leading to overloading of the tendons and joints of the neck. Over time, this problem can produce headaches and neck pain that make it difficult for you to focus on your studies. The solution in this instance is to train the muscles behind your windpipe to keep your head centered over-top of your shoulders. Our painPRO chiropractors can help you achieve this optimal posture.
Being a student is hard work. Online learning in front of a computer requires attention and focus for hours on end. Don’t let pain and poor posture affect your ability to succeed in Vancouver. Find a chiropractor to help out at!
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How are painPRO Chiropractors Different?
At painPRO we are committed to the professional growth of all our chiropractors and allocate significant resources to ensuring they have the highest professional standards in the industry. Here are a few of the things we do to ensure you get the best treatment possible:
Patient Centered
All Chiro’s working with painPRO are independent contractors and have been contracted based on their patient centered focus. In our eyes no amount of education can take the place of a Chiropractor who values who you are and looks out for your best interests.
One-on-One Care
Our view is that great patient care is correlated to the amount of professional attention you get coupled with cutting edge evidence informed knowledge. This is why we insure that all Chiro’s working with us have access to current research and do one on one based manual therapy. Our Chiro’s are focused on your care and will spend extra time to ensure your treatment is done right.
Is there a chiropractor near me?
Yes! We have Chiropractors in Vancouver standing by at a clinic near you! If a chiropractor Vancouver isn’t what you’re looking for, we also host Chiropractors in Burnaby, Coquitlam and Surrey.