Our Values
Our values inform everything we do at painPRO Clinics. We are proud to be a therapist owned and family operated group of community based clinics. Our approach is simple…we are in the business of helping people. Period!
The founding principles of painPRO centered around inspiring people that change was possible but that the change starts within. As a therapist, it was my goal to act as a facilitator with patients. Fast forward 20 years later the same principles apply when working with healthcare professionals and administrative support staff. Success only happens with teamwork, communication, and trust. This is true both in the therapeutic relationship with patients and the business relationship between healthcare professionals and clinics.
The ultimate goal at painPRO is to always remain at the cutting edge of evidenced-informed pain science. We are proud to have many educators and research nuts within our team of healthcare professionals. The biopsychosocial model of pain plays an expanding role in our dialogue but who knows where research will take us.
Below are the 4 main values we aspire to when making any decision in our family of clinics. It’s always about people.
Warm Regards
Michael Desrochers…Founder